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The 6th edition of the Vauban Sessions was held on 29-30 May 2024

Command in the era of high intensity: Vision 2030

29th and 30th May 2024
Vauban Citadelle, Lille, France


The Marquis de Vauban (1633-1707), Marshal of France and special military advisor to King Louis XIV, was a French military engineer who consolidated and significantly improved the country’s border defences. A prolific builder, he upgraded some 3,000 cities’ fortifications and built 37 new fortresses. These defences remained untouched until the end of the 18th century, when progress in artillery rendered the fortresses obsolete. As an essayist, he developed new standard methods of attacks on fortresses and wrote a memorandum on new French frontier landmarks in France. The Vauban Sessions are an initiative of the Rapid Reaction Corps – France (RRC-FR) and CEIS-Forward Global and aim to bring together representatives of military forces from across the NATO Alliance and beyond to exchange lessons learnt and best practices linked to the digital transformation of our Armed Forces.


Look back at the 6th edition of the Vauban Sessions at the Vauban Citadelle in Lille. Vauban Sessions are organized by the Rapid Reaction Corps-France (RRC-Fr) and Forward Global / CEIS.


The Vauban Papers are a series of publications dedicated to the impact of digital transformation on the Armed Forces and the conduct of operations, published by Forward Global in partnership with VMware.

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